What does Mathematics look like at Heath Hayes Academy?
Yearly objectives inform the planning and teaching of mathematics throughout the school. These objectives enable progression in learning towards the Early Learning Goals and the 2014 National Curriculum level descriptors appropriate to Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


At Heath Hayes Academy, our intention for Maths is to develop a secure knowledge of number, value and calculation. With this secure knowledge base, we provide a rich, balanced and progressive curriculum in order for children to make exceptional progress. Our curriculum allows children to make connections within and across mathematics, and take ownership of their achievements. With the support of White Rose Mastery, and the Heath Hayes Scheme of Learning, teachers plan and deliver challenge, revisions and targeted interventions to support all learners.


Maths sessions across Heath Hayes are implemented with a focus on fluency first and foremost. Children experience timed challenges, arithmetic practise, problem of the day, real world maths, and thinking Tom problems in order to develop their mathematical knowledge. Each area of Maths begins with a short pre-assessment in order to correctly identify learners starting points, following this children learn through a set system of activities. Children begin by mastering the required new skill, then move to apply their knowledge of this. Once application is consolidated, children can solve problems and use connections to reason.  Opportunities to make decisions based on estimating, calculating and evaluating the effectiveness of chosen methods provide children with an understanding into reasoning.


The impact of our Maths curriculum is that children can make connections within and across mathematics in order to fully understand and challenge ideas. We have fostered an environment where challenge, critical thinking and number skills are fundamental, children feel safe to ask questions and ‘have a go’ when faced with new problems.
EYFS and KS1
Mathematics in the Foundation Stage is viewed as a practical, activity-based subject, since for most children practical work is the most effective means by which understanding of mathematics can develop. The overview for this area of learning is taken from the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile.

As the children progress through Key Stage 1, work will progress from handling objects to a stage in which symbols are used, which can be manipulated in abstract ways and applied to problem solving.

At Key Stage 2 most children will be encouraged to work increasingly independently, applying the knowledge they have learnt to solve everyday problems and to investigate mathematical rules, patterns and relationships. Mathematics games and practical learning opportunities will supplement more formal mathematics activities throughout Key Stage 2.