Safeguarding Information
At our school we have a legal duty to safeguard and look after the welfare of children, staff and families in our community.
If you have any concerns about a child, member of staff or family in our community, then you MUST share this information with the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Evans.
Do not think that worries over appearance, hygiene, mood swings or unusual behaviour are insignificant. Please tell us about any concerns you have.
If you think the matter is very serious and a child is at risk of immediate significant harm call 999 and inform the Police.
DO NOT question or confront any child or adult about concerns.
If you cannot locate the Senior Designated Professionals, please record your concerns and pass on privately to our Office Coordinator, Mrs Greenway. They will be passed on in confidence. Any allegation against a member of staff, volunteer or foster carer must be reported immediately to the Headteacher. If you have any concerns regarding the Headteacher’s conduct, you must ask for the contact details of the Chair of Governors, from the Office Coordinator.
If you have concerns about the conduct of REAch2 Central Staff then these should be raised with Andy Rutson-Edwards (Chair of the Regional Board). He can be contacted on [email protected]
People to talk to and contact in School
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Evans
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead(s): Mrs Louise Johnson, Mrs Stocking & Mrs Roo
Chair of Governing Body: Mr John Bernard
Outside of school
Children can contact: ChildLine 0800 1111 (anytime and free)
PDF Downloads
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Internet Matters Age Guide 0 – 5’s
Internet Matters Age Guide 6 – 10’s
Internet Matters Age Guide 11 – 13