Please see our Remote Education Offer 

While staying at home due to coronavirus, parents and carers may be worried about their children’s development and the effect of missing school. No one expects parents to act as teachers, or to provide the activities and feedback that a school or nursery would. Parents and carers should do their best to help children and support their learning while dealing with other demands.

As a school we have a duty to provide remote education:

‘Where a pupil, class, group or small number of pupils need to self-isolate, or there is a local lockdown requiring pupils to remain at home, the Department for Education (DfE) expects schools to be able to immediately offer access to remote education.’ More information can be found here.


You will find everything that you need to continue your learning at home below. Here is a link to our Remote Education Policy 2020. This will tell you all about our remote education at Heath Hayes Academy. Our chosen online learning platform is Microsoft Teams.

We will show you how this looks.

This can be found in one handy file Remote Education – Online Teams for parents